ADHD Lullaby™ is a unique album, recorded using a patent pending method based on principles from neuroscience, to specifically help children with ADHD fall asleep faster and stay asleep through the night. The album is intended for children ages 6-13 who have ADHD.
ADHD Lullaby™ is available worldwide on all streaming music platforms and available on Compact Disc. Shipping is free within the United States. Worldwide shipping is available for a flat rate of $8 when ordered through this website.
Adults who listen to ADHD Lullaby™ will find the music to be quite different from classic music or traditional lullabies. This is because ADHD Lullaby™ has been recorded specifically for children with ADHD. It is not intended for everyone.

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on Compact Disc

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ADHD Lullaby™ Music also is available for streaming or download on: